Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Flammable and Combustible Liquids – The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT makes public the revision project of the ABNT NBR 17505 PART 7 standard, which deals with fire protection for facilities with storage in stationary tanks. The revision is intended to cancel and replace the text published in 2015 and is open to receiving proposals until December 11, 2023.
There is concern among lubricant producers regarding a possible new requirement for procedures, such as the use of Foam Generating Liquid – FGL for the protection of producing facilities, which would not make sense in the case of lubricants. The IBP Lubricants Committee has thoroughly studied the situation and participated in meetings with the Study Committee for the Distribution and Storage of Fuels of the Sectorial Standardization Body for Petroleum (ABNT / NOS-034).
According to lubricant industry experts, in the lubricant industry, in tank basins, the largest volumes stored are base oils, which are viscous products with a flash point above 200ºC, falling into Class III-B. Furthermore, all tank construction rules, spacing, and pump installation have been specified considering the characteristics of the product class in question.
Technicians also argue that the fixed FGL combat indication for Class IIIB products, to which lubricants belong, makes no sense and should not be adopted. However, it is important to pay close attention to the text of the standard, to avoid doubts, and the time for any proposal for amendment is now, that is, until December 11.
The project can be read and followed on the website: https://www.abntonline.com.br/consultanacional/projet.aspx?Q=WkJWRFRIUFFLVUR3Q0NwNndoSGpFcXUzck9DT0ZHSEplMkxJTURNd0xqOD0=