Lubes em Foco Magazine – Issue 83

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4 The Brazilian Lubricant Market Analysis of the 1st half of 2021 and perspectives for the year
The first half of 2021 showed an important recovery in the Brazilian lubricants market, with a 24.7% increase in sales volume compared to the previous year. It is a fact that the year 2020 presented some historical distortion, as due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we saw an atypical movement, especially in the month of April, when the market plummeted around 47.1%, compared to the same month in 2019. The market recovery was already showing strength in the second half of 2020, ending the year with a drop of just 1.0%, and this process continued in 2021 with monthly volumes above the historical average, accumulating sales of 736,688 m3.
12 Viscosity Index Modifiers
The viscosity index (VI) is a characteristic commonly used to indicate the viscosity of a fluid at different temperatures. The smaller the viscosity variation, the higher the VI. Viscosity index modifiers are able to modify this property, helping to maintain adequate lubricity at different temperatures, which is a fundamental characteristic of lubricants.
16 Influence of Vehicle Electrification on Future Automotive Lubricating Greases
The battle against air pollution is nothing new. Residents in London, England, have complained about foul-smelling air since the Middle Ages. In 1952, the Great Smog of London, which plunged the city into smoky darkness for five days, led to the Clean Air Act of 1956. In 2003, the city had to impose a traffic congestion charge after air pollution increased from the 1970s to 1990s. Finally, in 2008, the Climate Change Act aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sources.
20 The difficult mission of diagnosing failures in mechanical components of mobile and industrial equipment
When failures occur in mechanical components of mobile or industrial equipment, evidence of failure is often destroyed along with the mechanical component that suffered the failure. The initial evidence of failure is so mischaracterized by the actual failure that it becomes indistinguishable from other evidence. The destruction of the initial evidence of failure usually leads the investigator to charge the lubricant because of damage caused by another mechanism. Conversely, failures that were caused by the use of inadequate lubricant or ineffective lubrication are mistakenly attributed to other factors. There are many possible cause-and-effect situations where evidence about the cause of failure is lost in evidence about the effect.

Read the LUBES EM FOCO MAGAZINE- issue 83, presented below: