ANP and Procon-RJ inspect lubricant trade in Rio de Janeiro


ANP inspects lubricant trade in Rio de JaneiroANP inspects lubricant trade in Rio de Janeiro

ANP inspects lubricant trade – Since May 14, ANP and Procon-RJ have been carrying out inspections at companies selling lubricating oil for motor vehicles in the western and northern zones of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The aim of the operation is to check if the products on sale are registered by ANP and are within the expiration date. So far, 1,332 liters of lubricating oil have been found without ANP registration or with falsified registration, and one manufacturing company already had its National Registry canceled by the Brazilian Government.

Due to the lack of registration by ANP, the products do not have approved specifications and quality and can cause damage to the functioning of motor vehicles.

For this reason, ANP recommends that consumers check on its website, on the Dynamic Panel for the Registration of Lubricating Oils, whether the lubricating oil is duly registered before purchasing the product. The panel can be consulted at

ANP collected samples of lubricating oil for analysis at the Agency’s laboratory (Center for Technological Research and Analysis – CPT).