ANP revises company’s sales figures and changes lubricants market


ANP revises company's sales

ANP revises company’s sales

ANP revises company’s sales – The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels ANP updated on August 22, on its website, the lubricants market numbers published on August 3, retroactively to January 2023. Thus, all trends and analyses based on this information needed to be reviewed, placing the lubricants market with a slight increase of 0.7% in the first half, compared to the same period last year, thus canceling the 2.5% that was published by recently.

With the new ANP figures and the recent survey with large companies, the market showed a 1st half with a total volume of 710,722 m3, with the following market shares of the top 10 companies.

Brazilian Lubricant Market – First Half 2023

Portallubes website and Lubes em Foco magazine are in contact with the ANP to understand if these changes are definitive or not, and we will be monitoring any new changes to inform and keep readers updated.