Brazilian Lubricants Market grows 2.5% in the first half


Brazilian Lubricants Market grows

The Brazilian Lubricant Market closed the first half of 2023 with a volume of 723,622 m3, which means an increase of 2.5% compared to the same period last year. Imports of base oils are slightly higher by 0.9% compared to the first half of 2022, with a volume of around 313,550 m3.

This market growth was mainly due to lubricants for passenger cars, that is, Otto cycle engines, which increased by around 6.3%, in relation to the 1st half of last year, while oils for Diesel engines showed a fall around 3.5%. The volume of industrial oils remained close to stability, with slight negative variation.
The market share of the companies presented the following table:Brazilian Lubricants Market growsBrazil exported 42.7 million liters of finished lubricants in the first half of 2023, receiving the amount of US$ 105.9 million, with the main destinations being South American countries, notably Argentina and Paraguay with more than half of the exported oils. Imports of finished oils totaled 19.5 million liters and US$ 79.2 million, with products mainly coming from the United States, France and Germany.

Imports of base oils totaled 314,000 cubic meters with a total expenditure of around US$ 378.8 million, the main supplier being the United States with 70.6%, followed by Malaysia, South Korea, Qatar, Bahrain, Taiwan, India and several others to a lesser extent.