Meet the Market International Meeting
With Sustainability as the main theme this year, the 11th International Meeting with the Market – South America provided participants with important information and guidance regarding the positioning of the lubricant industry to meet the main market requirements, linked to Environmental, Social processes and Governance (ASG or ESG in English).

The event was opened by the Chief Economist of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro – FIRJAN, Jonatas Goulart, presenting the Brazilian Economic Panorama. An insight into the prospects for the country’s economic recovery, its main challenges and the impacts of international measures. In a clear and didactic way, Jonathas made clear the main necessary reforms and their impacts for Brazil.
The international point of view
The American Petroleum Institute – API had an important participation, with the manager of the EOLCS Program, and several others, Jeffrey Harmening, bringing directly from the United States, the API guidelines to ensure the quality of lubricating oils in times of great dynamism and variations market. The Chief Representative of the Institute for Latin America, Delma Quintanilha, made a presentation focusing on the Brazilian market and API’s proposals for support and quality improvement.

The issue of base oils in Brazil and in the world has significantly impacted national lubricant producers, and the information provided by international speakers was extremely relevant. Amanda Hay, assistant editor at ICIS, spoke about the impacts that hurricanes, polar storms and the Covid-19 epidemic have had on the global lubricant industry, with constant paralysis in the productive sectors.

Chris Castanien, technical manager at Neste, gave an in-depth look at the prospects for motor oils in the near future, with automotive electrification and also the countries’ requirements regarding sustainability, in which renewable oils will also play an important role.

The Brazilian Market
The Editor of Lubes em Foco magazine, Pedro Nelson Belmiro, presented the figures for the first months of the year, showing a Brazilian lubricant market in great recovery, with the months of February and March breaking historical sales records, despite all the difficulties faced by the market in relation to the prices and availability of base oils in the country.
Read the rest of the article in the magazine LUBES EM FOCO – issue 82, presented below:
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