Probable Causes of Lubricating Oil Pressure Drop in 4T Internal Combustion Engines


Português Espanhol/Castellano English

Lubricating Oil Pressure Drop

Most mobile equipment uses a visual indicator, which can be a warning lamp or a pressure gauge mounted on the instrument panel, which will alert the driver when there is a drop in lubricating oil pressure in the lubrication circuit of 4T internal combustion engines (Otto cycle/ Diesel cycle).

In general, suspicions about the drop in lubricating oil pressure in 4T internal combustion engines (Otto Cycle/Diesel Cycle) fall on the lubricating oil. There are, however, several factors of mechanical origin that can be the cause of the drop in lubricating oil pressure in the lubrication circuit and catastrophic damage or not in 4T internal combustion engines (Otto Cycle/Diesel Cycle).

So, let’s analyze some common causes of lubricating oil pressure drop in the lubrication circuit of 4T internal combustion engines (Otto Cycle/Diesel Cycle):

    1. CAUSE

      Low level of lubricating oil
      – Catastrophic failure if the engine runs for a long time
      Action to be taken
      – Top up the oil level;
      – Check for leaks.

    2. CAUSE
      Lubricating oil filter with total or partial obstruction.
      – Probable permanent opening of lube oil filter bypass valve and catastrophic failure of 4t internal combustion engine in short term
      Action to be taken
      – Replacement of the lubricating oil filter at the frequency and service condition recommended by the manufacturer of the 4t internal combustion engine
    3. CAUSE

      The lubricating oil pump is unable to draw in lubricating oil at very low temperatures
      – Catastrophic engine failure, if problem is not corrected in time and operation in this condition, is prolonged
      Action to be taken
      – Shut off the engine and replace the lubricating oil with a multi-viscosity product with a SAE viscosity grade appropriate for the ambient temperature at the time.

    4. CAUSE

      Lubricating oil pump with insufficient lubricating oil flow due to wear and excessive clearances between teeth or between gears and housing.
      – Reduced engine life
      Action to be taken
      – If possible, increase the operating speed of the oil pump;
      – Check the oil pump in order to eliminate gaps;
      – Replace oil pump.

    5. CAUSE

      The oil filter bypass valve is locked in the “open” position due to the formation of carbon deposits.
      – Reduced engine life
      Action to be taken
      – Reduction in the periodicity of changing the lubricating oil;
      – Use oil with higher performance level (API, ACEA)


    Read the rest of the article in the magazine LUBES EM FOCO – issue 82, presented below::

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