Dedicated CNG engine oil: driving change


Dedicated CNG engine oil

Dedicated CNG engine oil – Although modern internal combustion engines are highly optimized to burn fuel as completely as possible, it is inevitable that there are still some inefficiencies.

The development of the CNG (Natural Gas Vehicle) internal combustion engine brings new challenges. The fuel supply has evolved from direct injector to manifold fuel injection (PFI).

The fuel itself has a different chemical composition, burning like a dry gas. The combustion chamber is hotter, drier and prone to nitration, especially in the latest BS 6 (Euro 6) compliant engines, which leads to a greater need for lubrication.

Engine oil is our first line of defense, but for engine oil to work in CNG engines, it must survive these new harsh conditions and have the right balance of active chemistry.

engine oilUsing diesel engine oil in a CNG engine has the potential to cause catastrophic damage. This is because it is formulated with detergents and anti-wear chemicals that contain ash levels suitable for diesel engines.

At the high temperatures of a CNG engine, ash can also deposit in the combustion chamber and on the valves, bringing with it an increased risk of pre-ignition and high levels of valve wear and, ultimately, destruction of engine components.

Modern BS 6 CNG (Euro VI CNG) engines use exhaust gas after-treatment devices. Excess ash in the oil can significantly impair the efficiency of these devices, compromising exhaust gas emissions, but there is not enough ash and it cannot provide the necessary lubricating properties.

Dedicated CNG engine oil is specially formulated to provide the optimum level of antioxidant and ash-based chemistry, resisting high levels of oxidation and nitration to prevent excessive thickening and acidification.

Its anti-wear technology adheres to surfaces and reduces wear rates.

Today’s modern engines need modern thinking.

Dedicated CNG engine oil offers this.

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