Lubricants event expands network for participants


Lubricants event expands network

Lubricants event expands network

The lubricants event XIV Meet the Market – South America Conference, organized by Editora Onze, producer of Lubes em Foco magazine and Portallubes, has made available to event participants a private system that facilitates contacts between people, who will be able to schedule meetings and exchange information via email. The system is already available at the event’s website, under the network tab, for those who have already completed their registration process.

According to Gustavo Zamboni, director of Editora Onze, the system is exclusive for starting email contact with the desired person, which will only take place if there is a direct response from that contact. The system itself will receive and transmit the initial email, and the recipient will be responsible for replying directly to the sender’s email. From then on, the system no longer interacts with the participants.

“It’s important to note that when we developed the system, we took care not to disclose any registration data such as email, telephone or address, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the data entered at the time of registration. The idea is just to facilitate initial contact,” said Zamboni.

Editora Onze has reserved a room at the Windsor Barra Hotel for possible meetings between participants, who will be able to make their reservation at the event’s reception desk, for a maximum period of 30 minutes, and can leave their name in the queue to reserve the time for this room. In this way, the individuality and confidentiality of the meetings will be maintained.

According to Pedro Nelson Belmiro, director of Editora Onze, the Meet the Market Conference has become an important space for business interaction for both foreigners and Brazilian market players. “One can see from the huge expansion of the exhibition area that the event was a perfect match among the high-level information, knowledge-building lectures and the business opportunities, presentation of services and products in the lubricants segment,” commented Belmiro.

Registrations must be made through the event’s website at and any questions or difficulties can be answered by contacting us directly at or by telephone on 21-2433 6043, speaking to Mrs. Shirley.