Expectations for oil and grease events in São Paulo increase


Oil and grease events in São PauloOil and grease events in São Paulo

Oil and grease events in São Paulo – With less than 10 days left until the lubricant events promoted by Editora Onze and Lubes em Foco Magazine, the final agendas show the news that will be presented and registrations are still being received by Portallubes. The organizers of the events inform that demand is high and places are limited, which may lead to registrations closing before the scheduled deadline. Twenty lectures on the market, technology, and applications are scheduled with the participation of large national and international companies.

On the 24th and 25th of October 2023, at the Milenium Centro de Convenções, at Rua Dr. Bacelar, 1043 in Vila Clementino, São Paulo – SP, the Meetings with the Grease and Industrial Oil Market respectively will be held, with the presence of the largest companies in the segments. The agendas can be viewed at https://portallubes.com.br/2023-graxas-e-industriais-agenda-email-en/ 

People can register for each day separately, or also register for both days at a discount. Just access the event’s website at https://portallubes.com.br/2023-graxas-e-industriais-selecao-en/ and make your choice.

During the two days there will also be an exhibition area with company stands presenting interesting new technology and products linked to lubricants.
This year, places are limited and interested parties should not leave their registration until the last minute.

On October 26th, the Automotive Engineering Association – AEA will hold the XVI Symposium on Lubricants and Fluids at the same location, and all information and registration can be made on the entity’s website at https://aea.org.br/inicio/agenda/xvi-simposio-internacional-de-lubrificantes-aditivos-e-fluidos