What lubricant to use for a reciprocating air compressor?


Marcos Thadeu Lobo

Mechanical Engineer Graduated from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He currently works as an Associate Consultant at the company QU4TTUOR CONSULTORIA.

A lubrificação de compressores de ar recíprocos ( pistões ) demanda óleos lubrificantes, por exemplo, com as seguintes características:

Lubrication of compressors

The lubrication of reciprocating air compressors (pistons) requires lubricating oils, for example, with the following characteristics:

  1. ISO VG 68, ISO VG 100 or ISO VG 150 Viscosity Grades and performance levels DIN 51506-VDL or DIN 51524 Part 2 HLP.
  1. Lubricant oils used in internal combustion engines Diesel Cycle 4T with Viscosity Grades SAE 30 or SAE 40 and API CD or API CF performance levels.

lubrication of reciprocating compressorslubrication of reciprocating compressors







Figures 1/2 – Proper lubricating oil increases service life

Lubricating oils with high resistance to oxidation reduce the formation of carbonaceous deposits on the suction and discharge valves and piston channels, thus preventing the entrapment of the suction and discharge valves and piston rings.

lubrication of reciprocating compressors lubrication of reciprocating compressors






Figures 3/4 – Carbon deposits on top of piston and oxidized oil

The average service interval is usually recommended by OEMs for mineral-based lubricating oils used in reciprocal air compressors (pistons) with splash lubrication, sumps with small volumes of oil (eg 0.5 L – 2.0 L) and  without  cooling by  heat exchanger is  200 h – 300 h or 2 months – 3 months, whichever comes first. For reciprocating air compressors (pistons) with lubrication by forced oil circulation, larger volumes of lubricating oil in the crankcase (eg 40L – 400L) and with heat exchanger, service intervals can reach up to 8000 h.

lubrication of reciprocating compressorslubrication of reciprocating compressorsFigures 5/6 – Service interval depends on volume and lubrication system

When care with lubrication is not carried out with the necessary rigor, there can be a substantial reduction in the service life of piston rings, bushings, liners, suction and discharge valves, crankshafts, etc. For maximum availability and reliability to be achieved, it is necessary to use the correct lubricant and adequate service interval of the lubricating oil.

lubrication of reciprocating compressorslubrication of reciprocating compressors







Figures 7/8 – Proper lubrication increases service life

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