The Brazilian lubricant market in 2023


Lubes em Foco Magazine – issue 91

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Brazilian lubricant market in 2023

The year 2023 was a great year for the lubricants market, which totaled a volume of 1.497 million cubic meters, which corresponds to an increase of 6.9% compared to 2022. This volume increase is in line with directly related markets, such as the automotive industry and liquid fuels, which have outperformed their previous marks pointing to significant growth.

According to the Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers – ANFAVEA, 1,836,198 national light vehicles were licensed, representing a growth of 8.4% compared to the previous year, which added to the domestic sales of imported products, plus the sales of buses and trucks presented a total of 2,308,700 vehicles, surpassing the year 2022 by 9.7%. One of the motivating points of this increase was the package put in place by provisional measures with tax incentives and improved credit to the consumer market.

Another deep relationship with the lubricant market is made with the liquid fuels market, directly associated with the number of vehicles being used by the population and also in the industrial sector. According to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP, in 2023, the consumption of gasoline and hydrated alcohol together increased by 6.34%, while diesel (in all its versions) had a volume 3.61% higher than in the previous year.