Lubes em Foco Magazine – Issue 87


This is the english digital version of LUBES EM FOCO magazine issue 87

Page Article
4 The Brazilian lubricants market in 2022
When closing the last numbers of the month of December 2022 of the Brazilian lubricants market, Lubes em Foco magazine found a 5.24% drop in sales volume, compared to the previous year. This number alone can bring a certain apprehension and perhaps some pessimism about the evolution of this market, however, when you look at the total volume of 1.4 million cubic meters, you realize that it is simply the fourth largest volume in the history of the Brazilian market.
8 Oversupply expected for global base oil market in 2023
The supply and demand base oil equation will continue to tilt to the excess of inventories in 2023. Global base oil nameplate capacity has exceeded demand for the last 10 years. Supply availability has been tighter than the nameplate capacity suggested between 2020-2022 because of increased supply disruptions. The tightness in supply has been driven by Covid-19 and various geopolitical tensions. As supply-demand normalizes in 2023, there are increased expectations for an over-supplied market scenario to return because of weaker market fundamentals and economic conditions.
14 The 2nd Meet the Grease Market Conference
The 2nd Meet the Grease Market Conference, which took place on November 8, 2022, at the Hotel Travel Inn – Ibirapuera, in São Paulo, brought together approximately 150 participants, with an exclusive approach to the grease market. The contribution of the twelve sponsors was fundamental to the success of the event, which brought in addition to the technological innovations of the segment, relevant information on the main issues that impact the producers of greases in Brazil, ranging from the discussions on the import of Lithium and its derivatives, to the challenges regarding the operational safety of a grease plant, with the presence of great specialists in the field.
22 Monitoring the presence of water in lubricating oils of turbo-generators
The contamination of lubricating oils used in lubrication systems of sliding bearings and systems of drive of speed regulators in turbo-generators of electric power powered by steam or Compressed Natural Gas should be a reason for permanent vigilance. Identifying the cause of the contamination of lubricating oil by water and stopping the ingress of water are the first steps to be taken. The next step is to draw up a work plan with a view to eliminating any possibilities of water entering the lubrication systems, which is not always easy to execute.