The 2nd Meet the Grease Market Conference


Meet the Grease Market Conference
The 2nd Meet the Grease Market Conference, which took place on November 8, 2022, at the Hotel Travel Inn – Ibirapuera, in São Paulo, brought together approximately 150 participants, with an exclusive approach to the grease market. The contribution of the twelve sponsors was fundamental to the success of the event, which brought in addition to the technological innovations of the segment, relevant information on the main issues that impact the producers of greases in Brazil, ranging from the discussions on the import of Lithium and its derivatives, to the challenges regarding the operational safety of a grease plant, with the presence of great specialists in the field.

After the welcome of the secretary of Editora Onze, Shirley Barbosa dos Santos, the directors of the company, Gustavo Zamboni and Pedro Nelson Belmiro, opened the event mentioning the importance of an event that for the first time brings together, in person, the vast majority of market agents involved with the grease market in the country, remembering that opinions and contributions are always very welcome for the formation of a grid of lectures really focused on interests of these participants.

Pedro Nelson, who is also Editor-in-Chief of Lubes em Foco magazine showed some market numbers resulting from the magazine’s own research with the market and consultants, and began the work of the event, recalling the matter of issue No. 3 of the magazine dated October 2007, talking about the importance of a rapprochement between the country’s grease manufacturers to moralize and develop this segment.

An enlightening panel

The discussions on the Brazilian market were listed and harmonized in a panel of debates, with the special participation of the lubricants manager of the Downstream Executive Board of the Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas, IBP, Mr. Giancarlo Passalacqua, and the current coordinator of the grease subcommittee of the Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas, the Technical Consultant Manoel Honorato, having the coordination of Pedro Nelson Belmiro.

The first issue addressed in the panel was the release by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP of the production and sale numbers of lubricant greases, since these values already exist in the database of the agency’s SIMP program, but are not yet open to the public. According to Manoel Honorato, the market needs to know these numbers, as it directly impacts the market for basic oils, especially at a time when Brazil does not produce even half of this input to meet its domestic needs and import planning and consequently the country’s supply receives a direct impact from this situation. Pedro Nelson recalled that for more than 15 years the market has been requesting this release of the numbers of greases and Giancarlo commented that IBP resumed this election with the ANP, and that it has already received a good signal from that body that at least one spreadsheet will be open to the market already in early 2023.

Giancarlo commented on the difficulties of the work carried out with the Ministry of Mines and Energy, for a release of imports of lithium and its derivatives, updating the audience with the latest information, realizing that a first import has already been carried out, and that the legal aspects are being positive. Manoel made an explanation about the competition faced by the country’s grease producers for raw materials and other inputs such as palm and soybean fatty acids, castor oil and even beef tallow, especially with the increased use of Biodiesel.

Other relevant information, such as the issue of the current NBR 12615 standard that discusses the mandatory use of Foam Generating Liquids (LGE) in the facilities, were brought to the public present, with the panelists reporting the discussions and actions taken within the scope of the Subcommittee on Grease of IBP, which follows this situation very carefully to defend the position of grease producers.

The challenges of the manufacturers, regarding safety issues in relation to fires were well observed and important paths were brought by the expert in the issue, Engineer Silmar da Silva Sendin, who is also a Major of the Reserve of the Fire Department and technical consultant of the subject.