Petrobras’ Strategic Plan provides for the production of group II basics


Petrobras' Strategic Plan


Petrobras’ Strategic Plan

Petrobras’ Strategic Plan – On November 24th, Petrobras presented its Strategic Plan for the period 2022 to 2026, contemplating a total investment of US$ 68 billion, of which only 9%, that is, US$ 6.1 billion will be allocated to the sector of refining. The Gaslub Pole (formerly Comperj), in Itaboraí, Rio de Janeiro, appears as one of the priorities, which will be able to produce up to 12,000 barrels per day of group II lubricating oils.

According to the company, the idea of producing lubricants at the Gaslub Pole, from the already existing interconnections of some units at the Pole with the Duque de Caxias Refinery (Reduc), allowing the production of high quality lubricants and fuels from of intermediate products from the refinery.

A wait of decades

The news of having a refinery in Brazil producing group II basic lubricating oils has been awaited for decades. Currently, the only producer of group II basic products in Brazil is the re-refining company Lwart Soluções Ambientais, located in Lençóis Paulista in the state of São Paulo, with the vast majority of the volume necessary for domestic consumption imported from the United States.

The main focus of the pole will be the use of gas from the pre-salt off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The site continues with the works to complete the construction of the Route 3 Integrated Project, which includes a Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN) and a gas pipeline. Scheduled for completion in 2022, Route 3 will have the capacity to flow and process 21 million cubic meters of pre-salt gas daily.

Refining Strategic Plan focuses on Diesel S-10

Petrobras informed that one of the company’s objectives is the production of diesel oil with a very low sulfur content, the S-10, which should replace the entire S-500 by the year 2026. Currently, the S-10 has 53% of the market .

The Gaslub Pole will also have an additional production capacity of Diesel S-10 and Aviation Kerosene (QAV) in the order of 93,000 barrels/day.

The Northeast Refinery Revamp (RNEST) and the entry of Train 2 will increase the oil processing capacity by another 154 thousand barrels/day, adding another 95 thousand barrels/day of Diesel S-10 oil.

The focus on improving the quality of diesel will also include a new production unit at REPLAN and adaptations at REDUC and REVAP, adding an additional capacity of 132,000 barrels/day of Diesel S-10.

Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence

Petrobras said it will invest US$ 1.6 billion in a strategy for digital transformation and innovation, maximizing information security. In the refining area, there will be massive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), along with BioQAV and Biodiesel production technologies, as well as increased conversion, energy efficiency and operational availability.

In the presentation of the Strategic Investment Plan 2022-2026, the Refining and Natural Gas Board informed that the goal is to position Petrobras among the best refiners in the world in terms of efficiency and operational performance.