Roberto Saruls
Exerce há 5 anos o cargo de Gerente de Negócios do Segmento Industrial para América Latina na Lubrizol Aditivos. Engenheiro Químico e Mestre em Processos Industriais, atuou por 30 anos em um fabricante global de lubrificantes. Iniciando a carreira no Laboratório de P&D, tendo posteriormente gerenciado as áreas de Marketing & Tecnologia, Engenharia de Aplicação, Serviços Técnicos e Desenvovimento de Novos Negócios.
For the past 5 years he has held the position of Business Manager for the Industrial Segment for Latin America at Lubrizol Additives. Chemical Engineer and Master in Industrial Processes, has. worked for 30 years in a global lubricant manufacturer, starting his career at the R & D Laboratory, having subsequently managed the areas of Marketing & Technology, Application Engineering, Technical Services and New Business Development.