Brazilian inflation in January is 0.71%

January inflation was lower than the one estimated by the December IPCA-15 that expected 1.05%


Brazilian inflation

Portuguese version

Brazilian inflation

The Broad National Consumer Price Index 15 – IPCA-15, recorded in January the rate of 0.71%, lower than the result of 1.05% recorded in December 2019. This index measures the preview of the official brazilian inflation, and the January result was the highest rate for the month, since 2016 (0.92%). The data was released today (23) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

With this result, the IPCA-15 rate accumulated in one year was 4.34%, however, above the three 3.91% registered in the previous 12 months.

The rate recorded in January was mainly a consequence of inflation, of 1.83%, in the food and beverage sector, which accounted for more than half of the amount calculated. Within the sector, the item with the greatest impact was meat, which increased by 17.71% in the period. Food outside the home showed a representative increase of 0.99%.

Another group of expenses that had an important impact in the January inflation preview was the transport sector, which had a price increase of 0.92%. Gasoline was the second individual item with the greatest impact on the index, with an inflation of 2.64%.

The inflation presented by other groups of expenses was: communication (0.02%), clothing (0.10%), education (0.32%), health and personal care (0.35%), personal expenses (0, 47%).

Some groups had deflation, or a drop in prices, and are the housing (-0.14%) and residence (-0.01%) groups.