Outstanding exposition area for your products and services.
    • 6m2= Booths 06, 07, 08, 09
    • 9m2= Booths 01, 02, 03, 04
    • 12m2= Booths 05 e 10
      (See Layout)

Please contact us for additional information.

Available booths and benefits

1. 6 m2 Booth

(Available boths: 5)

• Free registrations: 2
• Banner in event’s website & LUBES EM FOCO Newsletter during 2 months
• Name, logo and brief description on the exhibitors brochure.
• Permition to distribute brochures and gifts in the booth.

Basic booth package includes rug, a walls at the back and one light point. Additional fixtures must be contracted separately.

2. 9 m2 Booth

(Available boths: 2)

• Free registrations: 3
• Banner in event’s website & LUBES EM FOCO Newsletter during 3 months
• Name, logo and brief description on the exhibitors brochure.
• Permition to distribute brochures and gifts in the booth.

Basic booth package includes rug, a walls at the back and one light point. Additional fixtures must be contracted separately.

3. 12 m2 Booth

(Available boths: 1)

• Free registrations: 4
• Banner in event’s website & LUBES EM FOCO Newsletter during 4 months
• Name, logo and brief description on the exhibitors brochure.
• Permition to distribute brochures and gifts in the booth.

Basic booth package includes rug, a walls at the back and one light point. Additional fixtures must be contracted separately.

Exhibition Area Layout

6 m2 Booths: 01,02,03,04,05

9 m2 Booths: 06,07

12 m2 Booth: 08