Energy transition will be the subject of a panel at the XIV Meet the Market


Energy transitionEnergy transition

Energy transition – The topic of the moment, which has prompted several changes in the paths of large and small companies, especially in the oil and gas sector and, consequently, in the lubricants segment, is the “Energy Transition”. This is a time when we are experiencing a major transformation in how we think and act, with disruptive changes already taking place, such as automotive electrification, renewable energies, and the impacts on the various market segments.

This is a very profound paradigm shift that requires effort and even sacrifice from all sectors of the industry and society.

The XIV Encontro Internacional com o Mercado – América do Sul, promoted by Editora Onze, producer of Lubes em Foco magazine and Portallubes, will discuss this issue and assess the impacts on the lubricants industry around the world and especially in Brazil and South America, bringing in experts to take part in a panel discussion with the audience.

The participation of Professor Alexandre Zsklo from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, presenting research on perspectives and scenario studies, will be accompanied by Ana Mandelli, Fuel Distribution Manager at the Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP), who will discuss aspects of the Brazilian energy matrix and its influence on the development of the industry,

and also the Technical Director of the National Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers – ANFAVEA, Henry Joseph, who will present the vision of vehicle manufacturers as key players in this transition.



The event will be held at the Windsor Barra Hotel, in Rio de Janeiro, on July 2 and 3, 2024, and registration is now open and can be done via the event’s website at:

According to the organizers, the XIV Encontro com o Mercado expects to welcome around 450 participants from more than 20 countries around the world, offering simultaneous translation for the lectures.

In addition to the high-level lectures presented, the Meeting will also have a special exhibition area, where various domestic and foreign companies will present their products and services. The event has become an excellent opportunity to expand the network of contacts in the lubricants segment in South America.