Fuel quality control
Fuel quality control – The ANP Board of Directors approved today (15/9) the resolution amending ANP Resolutions No. 9, of March 7, 2007; No. 19, of April 15, 2015; No. 807, of January 23, 2020; and No. 828, of September 1, 2020, to include the quality control obligations corresponding to the direct sale of hydrated fuel ethanol and gasoline C by carrier-dealer-retailer (TRR).
The objective is to extend the rules on fuel quality control to economic agents involved in the direct sale of ethanol, carried out from suppliers for retail resale (gas stations) and transport-dealers-retailers (TRRs), as well as the commercialization of hydrated ethanol. and gasoline C by RRTs.
The new resolution provides that the obligations foreseen for the fuel distributor in the ANP Resolution nº 9/2007, corresponding to the supply of seals of the devices of the tanker trucks, samples-witnesses, their flasks and security envelopes, are also extended to the supplier of ethanol when selling hydrous ethanol directly for retail resale and to TRR, when selling hydrous ethanol also for retail resale.
Regarding ANP Resolution No. 19/2015, the revision is made in order to require the TRR to issue a compliance bulletin when selling hydrated ethanol fuel, an obligation currently required of distributors when performing an identical operation. In ANP Resolution No. 807/2020, there is also the inclusion of the obligation to issue a compliance bulletin for the TRR in the case of marketing of C gasoline. In both cases, the issuance of the compliance bulletin is waived when there is no storage of the fuel on your premises.
As for ANP Resolution No. 828/2020, which establishes the information that must be included in the quality documents and the obligation to send data from the quality certificate of fuels produced in the national territory or imported, the new standard changes some of its provisions to provide for the new direct sales of hydrous ethanol fuel and the sale of hydrous ethanol and gasoline C through TRRs.
The resolution will enter into force after its publication in the Federal Official Gazette.