ANP calls companies for the Lubricants Interlaboratory Program


Lubricants Interlaboratory Program

Lubricants Interlaboratory Program

The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP announces the holding of the 8th edition of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program in Lubricants, organized by its Center for Research and Technological Analysis (CPT). Said program will start in APRIL, whose activities are listed in the schedule below. In this edition, the analysis item will be a sample of automotive lubricating oil.

If a laboratory is interested in participating, it must fill in the Registration Form through the link below, in which the tests to be carried out by the laboratory must be marked. The application form, duly completed, must be sent by March 24, 2022, without fail.

Confirmation of participation will occur after the program’s Technical Committee evaluates the registration form and forwards the Instructions Protocol to the laboratory.

The ANP reminds you that it may be necessary to restrict the number of participating laboratories depending on the maximum capacity of the homogenization tank used. When there is such a need, the following internal criteria will be adopted to limit participation: 1) laboratories that perform the greatest number of parameters; 2nd) order of expression of interest. Laboratories excluded according to these pre-established criteria will be duly communicated.

The ANP will bear the costs of preparing the sample, preparing the report and organizing the meeting to discuss the results. The participating laboratories will be responsible for the costs of taking the samples, carrying out the tests and sending the results, as well as expenses for attending the meeting to discuss the results. Laboratories must collect the PIL sample(s) at the CPT laboratory in Brasília.

After consulting some companies and the legal sector, the CPT had the return that the attached declaration would be sufficient for the transport of the sample, due to the legal nature of the ANP. Thus, in this edition, the agency will ONLY work with the tax return for transporting the sample instead of the invoice.

The ANP asks companies to verify, as soon as possible, with their responsible sectors, as well as, with the contracted carrier, the existence of any obstacle to the new procedure adopted. Thus, we will have time to resolve doubts before the deadline for collecting samples runs out.

The attached model will be delivered together with the PIL sample and the oil MSDS.

Registration link:

External Schedule

Activity Period Participation
Consult, by e-mail, the interest of the laboratory in participating in the PIL and submission of the registration form. 3/14 CPT/ANP
Confirmation of interest in participating in the PIL, with return of the completed registration form. 3/24


Participating Laboratories
Sending, by e-mail, the PIL instructions protocol to the laboratories. 3/28 CPT/ANP
Sample preparation. 11 to 14/04 CPT/ANP
Samples taken by participating laboratories. 4/18 to 29/04 CPT/ANP
Conducting the tests. 09 to 05/20 Participating Laboratories
Sending test results. 5/23


Participating Laboratories
Statistical treatment of submitted results 5/24 to 6/10 CPT/ANP
Preparation report preparation. 13 to 20/06 CPT/ANP
Sending, by e-mail, the preliminary report to the participating laboratories. 6/23 CPT/ANP
Sending, by e-mail, suggestions for the preliminary report. 6/30


Participating Laboratories
Sending, by e-mail, the final report to the participating laboratories. 06/07 CPT/ANP
Closing meeting. To be defined CPT/ANP and Participating Laboratories