GasLub Hub
Petrobras started the operational tests of the GasLub Pole, which was formerly called Comperj, in Itaboraí (RJ). The unit will begin to receive natural gas from the pre-salt later this year, a stage classified by the companies as important for the start-up of operations at the Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN).
The project will have the capacity to drain and process 21 million cubic meters per day of natural gas from the pre-salt pole of the Santos Basin. Together, Route 3 and Routes 1 (UPGN Caraguatatuba/SP) and 2 (Terminal Cabiúnas/RJ) – the last two already in operation – will provide a total capacity to flow 44 million cubic meters of gas per day.
The UPGN is part of the scope of the Route 3 Project, which also involves the gas pipeline (composed of submarine and terrestrial sections) and the infrastructure for operation and control and the utility systems (steam, water, compressed air, power and others). With the start of the tests, the GasLub Hub started to receive unprocessed natural gas (rich gas), from the Cabiúnas Terminal.
The entry of natural gas into the GasLub Hub takes place through the Guapimirim-Comperj I (Gaserj) gas pipeline and enables the start-up of utility systems, especially the Steam Generation and Distribution Unit. These systems, explained the company, will guarantee the supply of the facilities and equipment necessary for the start-up of the UPGN, scheduled for 2022.
In addition to the units that are entering the testing phase, the water treatment plant, the substations responsible for the distribution of electricity for the enterprise, the Integrated Control Center (CIC), auxiliary utilities systems and the flare are already in operation.
According to Petrobras’ Strategic Plan 2022-2026, the integration of the assets of Polo GasLub Itaboraí, with the Duque de Caxias refinery (Reduc), for the production of up to 12 thousand barrels/day of basic lubricating oils of group II, is being evaluated. and fuels, with an estimated investment of US$ 1.5 billion. The construction of a thermoelectric plant at the GasLub Hub is also being studied.