Lubes em Foco Magazine – Issue 92


Lubes em Foco Magazine – issue 92

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Page Article
4 The 14th Meet the Market International Conference breaks all records
The 14th Meet the Market International Conference – South America, held by Editora Onze, was a truly significant event for the South American lubricants market, as it brought together, on July 2 and 3, 2024, around 500 people from 13 countries, representing 160 companies who attended 20 lectures by leading experts in various areas directly linked to the lubricants segment. All lectures had simultaneous English-Portuguese translation and the main novelty was the location of the event, which, due to the need for a larger space, was moved to the Windsor Barra Hotel, in Barra da Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro.
10 Field-proven bespoke hybrid fluids
As the world works to transition to a net zero emissions future, the number of electrified cars in use is continuing to grow. And, with some barriers to battery electric vehicles still to be overcome, hybrids are an increasingly popular choice, which means they will make up a significant part of the vehicle parc for many years to come. This Insight article explores the lubrication challenges hybrids present and how the Infineum Hybrid Test Protocol can be used to test lubricants against them. It also reveals the results of a recent field trial, designed to assess the performance of bespoke hybrid lubricants in tough real-world driving conditions..
16 Renewable Products in Lubricants and Greases
In recent years, the search for more sustainable alternatives has intensified across various industries, including the lubricants and greases sector. With increasing pressure for ecological solutions and reduced dependence on fossil raw materials, renewable products, especially fatty acids, esters, and various other oleochemicals, have emerged as a promising solution to replace petroleum derivatives in multiple formulations. This movement not only addresses environmental demands but also drives innovation and competitiveness for industries on the global stage.
22 Analysis of oil in use - Part 5
In previous articles, the importance of lubricant monitoring as a predictive and preventive maintenance tool was mentioned (Lubes em Foco Magazine – Issue 88 - Lubes em Foco (, good practices in sample collection (Lubes em Foco Magazine – Issue 89 - Lubes em Foco ( and selection of analyses for monitoring (kinematic viscosity, IA, and IB - Lubes em Foco Magazine Issue 90 - Lubes em Foco ( and water content and element content - Lubes em Foco Magazine Issue 91 - Lubes em Foco ( This article will address Infrared (FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) tests and contamination assessment.