Vehicles registered in August surpasses July and becomes the best month of 2024


Vehicles registered in August

Vehicles registered in August

Vehicles registered in August – The increase over 2023 is already almost 16%, and FENABRAVE’s forecast, released at the beginning of the semester, is correct.

According to data from the National Federation for the Distribution of Motor Vehicles, August saw 422,869 vehicles registered, surpassing July’s result, which was the best month of the year so far. Even with one working day less, plates were up 0.74% on the previous month, considering all automotive segments.

“The daily average of vehicle registrations grew in August and, in the year to date, we have already surpassed 3 million zero km vehicles sold on the domestic market, a result 15.7% above that recorded in the same period in 2023, considering all segments of the automotive sector, with the exception of agricultural machinery, showing real growth compared to last year,” says Andreta Jr, President of FENABRAVE.

In his analysis, some factors could still move the sector, such as interest rates, which if they increase could have an impact on the financing of vehicles such as cars and light commercial vehicles, for example; the definition of the municipal elections which, in his assessment, would unlock bus purchases, through programs such as “Caminho da Escola”, currently with orders blocked until the end of the election period; in addition to the improvement in commodity prices, which have had an impact on the behavior of sales of trucks, road equipment and agricultural machinery.

“These are factors that can have a positive or negative influence on our sector. In any case, we are on course to close the year as FENABRAVE predicted, and depending on the factors mentioned, we may even exceed the 16.7% expected for the sector’s performance as a whole. However, despite the positive figures, we will still be below the best years we’ve had in the past,” says Andreta Jr.

In his opinion, there is a need to create a complementary program to MOVER, one that is permanent and leads to the decarbonization and renewal of Brazil’s circulating fleet, which is currently aging and estimated to be around 19 years old on average, considering only cars.