ANP discusses lubricant quality analysis
ANP discusses lubricant quality analysis – On March 21, in Brasilia, the ANP held the closing meeting of the 10th and 11th editions of the Interlaboratory Program for Lubricants (PIL), organized by the Agency’s Center for Technological Research and Analysis (CPT). The event discussed the results of the program and suggestions for improvements.
At the opening of the meeting, the deputy superintendent of Biofuels and Product Quality, Fábio Vinhado, pointed out that the PIL is a tool for guaranteeing the quality of lubricants to the consumer, in conjunction with the Lubricant Monitoring Program (PML). “In the ANP’s interlaboratory programs, we assess the proficiency of those responsible for testing the quality of products – in the case of the PIL, lubricants. The CPT is the provider of these programs and also the one who carries out our LMP,” he said.
There were also talks by ANP technicians and guests on topics such as the energy transition, with a focus on hydrogen; the lubricants market in general; and an overview of industrial lubricants.
Interlaboratory programs (IPs) are sets of technical procedures for determining the performance of laboratories that carry out tests or calibrations. The IPs provide subsidies to the participating laboratories, enabling them to identify and solve analytical problems.
The ANP’s CPT has been organizing interlaboratory programs since 2001, with the first edition of the Fuel Interlaboratory Program (PIC), which is still carried out today with the laboratories contracted to carry out the Fuel Quality Monitoring Program (PMQC).
The event was broadcast live on the ANP’s YouTube channel. Watch the recording.