ANP approves experimental use of B100 biodiesel in river navigation

This is the first authorization of its kind granted by the Agency.

B100 biodiesel in river navigation
Fonte: Pixabay












B100 biodiesel in river navigation

B100 biodiesel in river navigation – The ANP Board of Directors approved today (11/4) the first authorization granted by the Agency for the experimental use of pure biodiesel, called B100. The authorization is for testing B100 on a vessel in the river fleet of the company Hermasa Navegação da Amazônia Ltda., and is restricted to a specific trip, with a defined origin and destination, as well as the volume of biofuel to be used.

ANP Resolution No. 910/2022 regulates the experimental and specific use of biodiesel and its blends with diesel oil in quantities greater than the mandatory biodiesel addition percentage, as established by CNPE Resolution No. 3/2015, and does not expressly provide for use in vessels.

Despite the current lack of specific regulation in Brazil, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) allows the use of biofuels internationally, and biodiesel is expressly provided for.

In addition, the engine manual of the manufacturer of the vessels that will be used in the test provides for the use of biodiesel in their equipment, which was decisive for the authorization by the ANP.

The approval follows the recent trend of testing trucks and agricultural machinery with B100 biodiesel, the results of which are being monitored by the Agency.

Update on 15/4: see ANP Authorization No. 208/2024 in the Federal Official Gazette.