First available licensing of ILSAC GF-7 may be on March 2025.



ILSAC GF-7 – The Auto Oil Advisory Panel (AOAP) moved to ballot the ILSAC GF-7A and GF-7B gasoline engine oil standards, marking a significant step towards finalizing the specifications for the next generation of passenger car motor oils (PCMO). The ballot, which went out on February 16, 2024, opens a 30-day window for comments, aiming for the first available licensing of GF-7 by March 2025.

During a meeting at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., on February 14, 2024, the AOAP accepted a motion to ballot the ILSAC GF-7A and GF-7B gasoline performance standards. The vote aims to finalize the technical specifications for the next generation of passenger car motor oils (PCMO). The target date for the first licensing of GF-7 is March 31, 2025.

AOAP consists of gasoline engine manufacturers, oil marketers, and additives suppliers. The group is responsible for the development of the specifications against which engine oil performance is certified and licensed by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

See more details of this news in the article published by Fuels & Lubes at