NSF and ANP explain changes in ISO 21469 registration protocol


Changes in ISO 21469

Changes in ISO 21469

Changes in ISO 21469 – ISO 21469 is a specific certification for lubricant manufacturers and certifies that the factory is able to design, develop, manufacture and supply safe lubricants in the event of incidental contact with the product (food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or intended for animal feed). Published in 2005, it received updates to its protocol that impact the food grade lubricants industry, the so-called “food grade”. In a webinar on April 12, NSF and ANP explained what changes and showed some important data from the sector.

Brazil is now the second country in the world with more ISO 21469 certifications, second only to the United States. Lubricant producers also report that food manufacturers are increasingly demanding registered food grade lubricants.

According to Mr. Lucas Fonseca, responsible for the development and support of registration and certification market for food grade products and equipment in compliance with the requirements and standards established by the USFDA and NSF and other global trends, the company’s certification protocol goes beyond the NFC registration (H1, H2 and H3), with additional assurance of product testing and an annual manufacturing facility audit.

“The certification also includes a complete risk assessment to help the manufacturer to identify and mitigate areas of contamination throughout the product’s life cycle. It is recognized beyond the food sector, also in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and animal feed industries”, said Fonseca.

Currently in Brazil, there are four companies that have already registered food grade products for manufacturing in the country. They are Fuchs Lubrificantes, Promax Lubrificantes, Klüber Lubrication and Chemlub Produtos Químicos.

Paulo Roberto R De Matos, a specialist in regulation at the ANP, working at the Quality Superintendence – SBQ, commented that the agency adopted some changes, listening to the market and, above all, protecting the consumer.

According to Matos, ANP is starting to monitor gears and transmissions fluids this year, 2023, and has also started to regulate food grade lubricants through analysis. “The Quality Monitoring Project for Incidental Contact Lubricating Oils includes requesting samples from ANP registration holders, physical-chemical analyzes according to Annex III, chromatographic analysis to characterize the basics used, U.V. for the determination of polyaromatics and the content of elements (halogenated, heavy metals, titanium, etc.). In addition, we will have a meeting with the registration holders and the final publication of the report”, recalled Matos.

The expert also pointed out that the ANP has already collected samples and hopes to finish the analyzes by the end of the year, when it will call the companies to talk about the report.

The Webinar was free and open to the public, and is recorded on the NSF website. Contact for viewing can be done at https://www2.nsf.org/WebinarISOBR?utm_campaign=Food_ProdCert_2023_LATAM_ISOWebinar&utm_source=co-marketing&utm_medium=press_release