The Brazilian lubricants market in 2022


Brazilian lubricants market 2022

Brazilian lubricants market 2022

Brazilian lubricants market in 2022 – When closing the last numbers of the month of December 2022 of the Brazilian lubricants market, Lubes em Foco magazine found a 5.24% drop in sales volume, compared to the previous year. This number alone can bring a certain apprehension and perhaps some pessimism about the evolution of this market, however, when you look at the total volume of 1.4 million cubic meters, you realize that it is simply the fourth largest volume in the history of the Brazilian market. So, the analysis needed to be extended for a better understanding of the reader, since the year 2021 represented a resumption of sales, after two years of pandemic, reaching a volume of 1.477 million m3, getting very close to the two years of historical records achieved that were in 2013, when there was an extraordinary incentive to the automobile industry, and in 2014 still with the reflections of the previous year. Thus, we can conclude that the fall presented in 2023 is not so worrying, but it shows that the market still has room to grow more.

The automotive industry that has the greatest impact on the lubricants market, ended 2022 with a drop in sales of 0.8% compared to 2021, thus justifying the negative results of automotive oils for both the Otto cycle and the Diesel cycle, as well as oils for transmissions and hydraulic systems. The oil categories that had increased sales in 2022 were agricultural spraying, responding to the increase in agribusiness, insulators with a performance well above the average of recent years and oils for gears and circulatory systems with slight elevation.

The market share of the companies followed the trend of recent years, with Iconic Lubricants maintaining the leadership with 17.45%, followed by Vibra Energia with 16.18%, coming in third Moove/Cosan Lubricants with 15.15%, Neolubes/Shell with 11.42% and Petronas with 8.64% completing the TOP 5 of the companies. Next up are Quaker with 1.78%, YPF with 1.68%, Lwart with 1.64%, Energis 8 with 1.62%, and Castrol with 1.36% closing the TOP 10 list.

Click the image below and read the complete version of the article “The Brazilian lubricants market in 2022” in Lubes em Foco Magazine issue 87: