Foto Marcelo Camargo – Agência Brasil
ANP inspection actions
Between 12/19/2022 and 01/12/2023, the ANP carried out inspection actions in the fuel market in 15 units of the Federation, in all regions of the country.
In the actions, the inspectors verified the quality of the fuels, the supply of the correct volume by the metering pumps, adequacy of the equipment and instruments necessary for the correct handling of the products, documentation of company grant and related to the movement of fuel.
In addition to routine inspections, the Agency also works in partnership with various public bodies. During this period, there were joint operations with the Citizenship Protection Police Department (DPPC) of the Civil Police and Procon-DF, among others.
See below the results of the main actions in the segments of gas stations and liquid fuel distributors; LPG resellers and distributors; among others:
Rio Grande do Sul
During the period, the ANP was in the municipalities of Bento Gonçalves, Cachoeirinha, Campo Bom, Caxias do Sul, Dois Lajeados, Esteio, Farroupilha, Porto Alegre, Rolante and Taquara . In all, 15 fuel stations, 11 LPG resellers, three finished lubricating oil resellers and one transporter-reseller-retailer (TRR) were inspected.
In Taquara, a service station was fined for not displaying the type of fuel sold at the pump, in addition to not presenting and not keeping the analysis records of fuel quality. In the same city, an LPG dealer was fined for not displaying the prices of cylinders on a bulletin board.
In the municipality of Bento Gonçalves, it was identified that an LPG dealer was also operating an installation in the city of Farroupilha, without ANP authorization. The company was fined and both establishments were banned. In addition, the dealership was fined for using trucks parked on the street as an LPG storage area and for overstoring LPG for the class authorized by the ANP.
In the state capital, two LPG resellers were fined for not providing scales with a seal of measurement from the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) for weighing of containers, which can be requested by consumers.
Santa Catarina
Seventeen gas stations, five LPG dealerships, one transporter-retailer-retailer (TRR), one producer of finished lubricating oil and one consumer of solvent were inspected by Agency inspectors. The inspection actions took place in the following cities: Chapecó, Criciúma, Cunha Porã, Içara, Laguna, Maravilha, Morro da Fumaça, Pescaria Brava, Pinhalzinho, Tubarão, Navegantes and Xanxerê.
A gas station in Pinhalzinho was fined and banned for operating without authorization from the ANP, in addition to purchasing fuel from another dealer.
Another three stations, two in Maravilha and one in Xanxerê, were fined for supplying fuel to other stations.
In Criciúma, a service station was fined for not displaying the prices of fuel sold. In Içara, an LPG dealer was fined for not having scales with the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) seal of measurement, used to weigh containers when the procedure is requested by consumers.
The ANP was in the cities of Recife and Betânia to verify the operation of three gas stations.
A Betânia service station was fined and banned for not having authorization from the ANP to carry out the activity. The establishment also suffered fines for a series of irregularities, including displaying a price panel in disagreement with
the legislation and not having instruments for analyzing the quality of fuels. These analyzes can be requested by any consumer.
In Recife, a gas station was fined for having a defective thermodensimeter (equipment attached to ethanol pumps to check quality aspects) and using fueling equipment that did not comply with the norm, among other infractions.
There were inspections at three gas stations and a lubricant producer in the municipalities of Paripiranga and São Gonçalo dos Campos.
A lubricant producer from São Gonçalo dos Campos was fined for producing and selling lubricating oil without prior authorization from the ANP and for not including the registration number of the product at the Agency on the label.
The inspectors passed through the municipalities of Acaraú, Cruz and Jijoca de Jericoacoara to inspect 15 economic agents, including gas stations and jet fuel resellers.
In Cruz, a gas station was fined for a series of irregularities, including providing a standard measure of 20 liters (equipment used for volume testing) without measurement and unsealed by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), operate metering pumps without using the minimum and mandatory safety devices required by current legislation and due to irregular measurement of the metering pump, which led to the banning of equipment. In the same city, another gas station was fined for operating metering pumps without using the minimum mandatory safety devices.
A service station in Acaraú was also fined for providing a standard measure of 20 liters without measurement and without Inmetro seal; in addition to presenting a lack of security in the installations and not having the instruments to carry out fuel quality tests, which can be requested by consumers.
In the municipality of Jijoca de Jericoacoara, a gas station was fined for operating equipment in poor conditions of use and maintenance and for failing to update its registration.
In all, the ANP inspected 27 fuel stations, one LPG dealer and one fuel distributor in the state, passing through the cities of Aracaju, Poço Verde, Propriá, Orange trees, Muribeca, Malhador, Lagarto, Itabaiana and Itaporanga D’Ajuda.
No irregularities were found.
Forty-nine gas stations were inspected by the ANP in the cities of Balsa Nova, Campo Largo, Contenda, Curitiba, Guaratuba, Paranaguá, Pinhais and Pontal do Paraná. No irregularities were found.
São Paulo
Inspection actions in the state covered 104 gas stations, 11 LPG resellers, two fuel distributors, an ethanol producer, a refinery and two unregulated economic agents. The inspectors were in the following municipalities: Arujá, Campinas, Caraguatatuba, Catanduva, Coroados, Descalvado, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Itajobi, Itapetininga, Jundiaí, Louveira, Novo Horizonte, Paranapanema, Pirassununga, Poá, Porto Ferreira, Pratânia, Ribeirão Preto, São Manuel , São José dos Campos, São Paulo, São Sebastião, Ubatuba, Valinhos and Vinhedo.
In the capital, the ANP carried out an inspection in conjunction with the Citizenship Protection Police Department (DPPC) of the Civil Police at a gas station, which was fined and banned completely (14 nozzles and five tanks) for presenting several irregularities, such as selling hydrated ethanol outside specification regarding methanol content (above 0.5%) and with a specific mass of 832 kg/m³ (correct would be 802 .9 to 811.2 kg/m³), selling common gasoline out of specification, with 68% anhydrous ethanol, breaking seals and removing previous prohibition strips, among others, in addition to disrespecting the suspension penalty applied. Another station was fined and banned completely (eight nozzles and four tanks) for lack of ANP authorization to operate, for selling common gasoline with 64% anhydrous ethanol (the legislation determines 27%) and selling hydrated ethanol without specification regarding the content alcoholic (91.1º INPM). 2,924 liters of common gasoline and 5,035 liters of hydrated ethanol were seized at the establishment.
Also in São Paulo, two other gas stations were fined for not having all the quality testing equipment. There were fines at two more gas stations: one for not displaying fuel prices correctly and the other for outdated registration.
In Novo Horizonte, an LPG dealer was fined and banned for operating without authorization and for lack of security at the premises. At the site, 37 cylinders of 13 kg (P13) were seized. Also in the city, a gas station was fined for selling fuel to another retailer. Due to the fact that it is selling finished automotive lubricating oil without having a registration issued by the ANP, 60 liters of lubricants were seized.
A gas station in Campinas was fined for selling common gasoline out of specification, with 65% anhydrous ethanol, with eight nozzles and three tanks of this product banned. The establishment was also fined for selling hydrated ethanol out of specification in terms of specific mass at 20ºC (812.4 kg/m³), having two nozzles and a tank of this product banned, in addition to having a thermodensimeter (equipment attached to ethanol pumps to check quality aspects) without operating properly.
In the municipality of Caraguatatuba, a fuel retailer was fined for selling premium gasoline out of specification, with 29% anhydrous ethanol (determined by law is 25% ), having two nozzles and a tank of this product banned. Another gas station in the city was fined for selling common gasoline out of specification, with 30% anhydrous ethanol (the amount determined by law is 27%), with six nozzles and one tank of this product banned.
In Itapetininga, two service stations were fined for irregular measurement of the standard gasoline metering pump. One had the equipment banned and the other corrected the problem at the time of the inspection action.
In São Manuel, a post was fined and completely banned (six nozzles and two tanks) due to lack of authorization from the ANP. 8,246 liters of regular gasoline and 10,776 liters of hydrated ethanol were seized at the site. In this action, the presence of methanol in hydrated ethanol was also verified, through the qualitative colorimetric test.
In the municipality of Porto Ferreira, a service station was fined for selling common gasoline out of specification, with 69% anhydrous ethanol, with two nozzles and a tank of this product banned . This reseller also had two nozzles and a hydrated ethanol tank banned for selling the product out of specification in terms of methanol content (above 0.5%), verified through the qualitative colorimetric test.
Two gas stations in São Sebastião were fined. One of them for selling hydrated ethanol out of specification in terms of specific mass at 20ºC (813.9 kg/m³), with six nozzles and one tank of this product banned. Another establishment was fined for lack of cadastral update.
In Pirassununga, a gas station was fined and had a common gasoline nozzle banned for irregular measurement. In Valinhos, a gas station was fined for not having a thermodensimeter (equipment attached to ethanol pumps to check quality aspects).
In the city of Arujá, a fuel retail station was fined for failing to take the measures determined by the ANP, since the station broke seals used by the inspection and sold fuels during the period of suspension of activities imposed by the Agency.
Rio de Janeiro
During the period, ANP inspectors inspected economic agents located in the municipalities of Itaboraí, Rio Bonito, Rio de Janeiro, São João de Meriti, Duque de Caxias, Nilópolis, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Campos dos Goytacazes, São Pedro da Aldeia, Niterói and São Gonçalo.
In total, 70 economic agents were inspected, including gas stations and LPG resale points.
In the capital of Rio de Janeiro, a service station was fined for displaying a price panel in violation of the law.
An LPG dealer in Duque de Caxias was fined for presenting fire extinguishers without immediate conditions of use (depressurized) and for administrative irregularities.
In the municipality of Campos de Goytacazes, a gas station was fined for having a thermodensimeter (equipment attached to ethanol pumps to check quality aspects) at the fuel pump. that didn’t work. There was also an action for CNG supply pressure above the maximum allowed by law (220 bar).
In São Gonçalo, an LPG dealer was fined for storing cylinders above its maximum authorized capacity.
No irregularities were found in the other inspected municipalities.
Espirito Santo
Inspection actions were concentrated in Guarapari, where inspectors inspected six economic agents. A fuel station was fined for not updating its registration with the ANP.
Minas Gerais
In Minas Gerais, inspection actions took place in Belo Horizonte, Pirapora, Ipatinga, Arcos, Bambuí, Campo Belo, Contagem, Conceição do Pará, Andradas, Botelhos, Poços de Caldas, Santa Rita de Caldas, Ibiaí, Paraopeba, Ponto Chique, Iapu and Tarumirim. In all, there were 130 inspections at gas stations, wholesalers of automotive lubricating oils, LPG resellers, supply points and ethanol producers.
In Belo Horizonte and Contagem, inspections at wholesale lubricants resellers resulted in the apprehension of 4,081 liters of oil and 43 kg of grease not registered with the ANP. The two resellers were selling products with resellers in the region and analyzes carried out at the Center for Research and Technological Analysis (CPT) of the ANP had already pointed out irregularities regarding the registration with the Agency and the quality of these products.
Also in Contagem, a service station was fined due to irregularities in the price panel. At another company in the same segment, 13 liters of lubricants with irregular registration with the ANP were seized. An LPG dealership in the city was closed for lack of minimum safety requirements.
In the municipality of Arcos, a service station was fined and had a BS10 diesel nozzle banned due to irregular calibration of the metering pump.
In Bambuí, infraction notices were drawn up for irregularities in the price panel, supply in irregular containers, without the seal of the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), and absence of mandatory analysis tools. The same irregularities generated infraction notices in Ibiaí.
In the city of Andradas, there was a fine for lack of analysis instruments.
In Poços de Caldas, a dealer was fined for not having the thermodensimeter information sticker (equipment attached to ethanol pumps to check quality aspects). In Santa Rita de Caldas, an infraction notice was drawn up for filling in an irregular container.
In the city of Pirapora, infraction notices were drawn up due to lack of identification of the fuel supplier, lack of operating instructions for the hydrous ethanol thermodensimeter and lack of instruments for analysis of fuel quality, which can be requested by consumers.
Distrito Federal
Twenty-two fuel stations were inspected in Plano Piloto, Taguatinga, Ceilândia and Samambaia.
The actions in the Federal District took place in conjunction with the Procon-DF, focusing on verifying consumer information and mainly regarding the transparency of prices practiced.
No irregularities were found.
In Goiás, ANP inspectors were in Alexânia, Itumbiara, Valparaíso de Goiás, Palminópolis, São Miguel do Passa Quatro, Goiânia, Luziânia and Senador Canedo. They visited 24 fuel stations, six LPG dealerships, four potential unauthorized used or contaminated lubricating oil collectors, and an aviation fuel supply point.
In the period, there were actions in partnership with Procons, the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and the State Police Station for Repression of Crimes Against Consumers in the State of Goiás (Decon-GO).
A gas station in Alexânia was fined for lack of fuel quality analysis equipment, a procedure that can be requested by consumers.
In Senador Canedo, an unauthorized used or contaminated lubricating oil collector was banned and around 70,000 liters of products were seized. This action resulted from joint investigations between the ANP and Decon-GO initiated in 2022.
Mato Grosso
Inspection actions were carried out at seven fuel stations in the municipalities of Sorriso and Cuiabá. In both cities, the actions took place in partnership with the Municipal Procons, bodies that maintain technical and operational cooperation agreements with the ANP.
No irregularities were found.
The inspectors were at five automotive fuel distribution bases in Manaus. Samples of common gasoline were collected for analysis of compliance with quality requirements.
Consult the results of ANP actions throughout Brazil
ANP inspection actions are planned based on several intelligence vectors, such as information from the ANP Ombudsman with consumer manifestations, data from the Agency’s Fuel Quality Monitoring Program (PMQC), information from other bodies and the area of ANP Intelligence, among others. In this way, actions are focused on regions and economic agents with signs of irregularities.
To follow all ANP inspection actions, access the Supply Inspection Bulletin in News (https://www.gov.br/anp/pt-br/centrais-de-conteudo/publicacoes/boletins-anp/boletins/boletim -inspection-of-supply-in-news). The publication, released every six months, summarizes the main results of the inspection actions carried out.
Establishments fined by the ANP are subject to fines that can range from R$5,000 to R$5 million. Sanctions are applied only after an administrative process, during which the economic agent has the right to full defense and contradictory, as defined by law.
Complaints about irregularities in the fuel market can be sent to the ANP through theContentPasted Contact Us (https://www.gov.br/anp/pt-br/canais_atendimento/fale -with us) or call 0800 970 0267 (toll free).