Photo Marcelo Camargo – Agência Brasil
ANP seizes lubricating oil – During the week of October 17th to 20th, the Agency’s inspectors seized more than 53 thousand liters of lubricating oil in the states of São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás. In São Paulo, in the cities of Atibaia, Santa Bárbara d’ Oeste and Sorocaba, the Agency’s inspectors seized a total of 51,809 liters of lubricants after inspecting four finished product producers that did not have ANP authorization to operate.
In these actions, three non-regulated agents were also visited: two lubricant distributors and an industrial facility suspected of producing lubricants, which was not found in the field.
At a gas station in Ribas do Rio Pardo, in Mato Grosso do Sul, 171 liters of lubricating oil without registration with the ANP and with inadequacies on their labels were seized. In Campo Grande, in a joint action with the Specialized Police Station for Repression of Crimes against Consumer Relations (Decon-MS), Procon-MS, Federal Revenue and the State Department of Finance (Sefaz-MS), resulting from previous investigations joint ventures, 1,060 one-liter bottles of lubricating oils without ANP registration and with inadequacies on their labels were seized.
In Rio Verde (GO), 21 500 ml bottles of lubricating oil without ANP registration and with inadequacies on their labels were seized at a dealership.