ANP inspection reaches 14 Federation units in the last week of September

ANP inspection
Task force integrated by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), Procon and Inmetro inspects fuel stations in Brasília.

ANP inspection

ANP inspection – Between 9/26 and 9/29, the ANP carried out inspection actions in the fuel market in 14 units of the Federation.

In the actions, the inspectors verified whether the Agency’s rules – such as compliance with fuel quality standards, supply of the correct volume by pumps, presentation of adequate equipment and documentation, among others – are being fulfilled. The ANP also verifies that all information is being correctly provided to the consumer.

The Agency carries out actions individually and in partnership with various public bodies, in joint operations or task forces.

See below the results of the main actions in the gas station segments; LPG dealers; lubricant resellers; carrier-dealer-retailer (TRR); fuel points; lubricant producers; fuel distributors; LPG distributors; and ethanol producers.

Federal District

ANP agents visited 15 gas stations and six LPG dealerships in Águas Claras, Guará, SIA and Vicente Pires.

In Águas Claras, a gas station was fined and had a regular gas nozzle blocked due to irregularities in the quantity dispensed by the metering equipment.

Mato Grosso

The ANP, in partnership with Procon Municipal de Sorriso, inspected two gas stations and an LPG dealer in the municipality. No irregularities were found.


Teams were in Abadia de Goiás, Goiânia and Senador Canedo to inspect three lubricant producers.

In Abadia de Goiás, a lubricant producer was banned for not having authorization to produce lubricating oils on site.

In Senador Canedo, another lubricant producer had a polymer tank interdicted as a precaution due to evidence of production at the site without authorization from the ANP. The company had a contract to outsource its production and could not be producing lubricating oils on site, it could only do the bottling.


Seven gas stations and three LPG resellers were inspected in the municipalities of Contenda, Cruz Machado, Palmas and Pinhão. In Palmas, a gas station was fined for not operating within the minimum hours required by the ANP regulation and an LPG dealer was fined for not having updated their registration details.

Santa Catarina

ANP agents visited the municipalities of Criciúma, Içara, Morro da Fumaça and Tubarão to inspect eight gas stations, two LPG dealers and two lubricant dealers.

In Criciúma, a lubricant dealer was fined for selling out of specification lubricants. In the city, a gas station was also fined for reselling lubricants without registration and outside the ANP specification, and for displaying a distributor’s trademark being registered with the Agency as a white flag.

In Içara, inspectors fined a lubricant dealer for selling out of specification lubricants. 1,181 liters of lubricating oils were seized without registration or without manufacturing authorization in the cities of Criciúma and Içara.

In Morro da Fumaça, an LPG dealer was fined for not having a decimal scale, used to weigh cylinders, in perfect working order and certified by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro).< /span>

In the city of Tubarão, a gas station was fined for allowing refueling with PET bottles.

Rio Grande do Sul

Inspection actions in the state covered 12 gas stations, eight LPG resellers, a carrier-dealer-retailer (TRR) and a refueling point in the municipalities of Alvorada, Cachoeirinha, Canoas, Esteio, Novo Hamburgo, Porto Alegre, São Leopoldo , Viamão, Santiago, Santo Ângelo, São Borja and Tupanciretã.

In Alvorada, a gas station was fined for not having a standard measure of 20 liters (equipment used for the volume test, which can be requested by the consumer) in accordance with ANP legislation.

In São Borja, a gas station was fined for displaying a distributor’s trademark registered with the ANP as a white flag.

An LPG resale was banned in São Leopoldo for operating at an address not authorized by the ANP.

Espirito Santo

In Espírito Santo, ANP visited ten gas stations in the municipalities of Marataízes and Rio Novo do Sul. No abnormalities were found.

Sao Paulo

In the state, the ANP inspected 24 gas stations, six LPG resellers, three ethanol producers and an unregulated economic agent. The inspectors were in nine cities: Barretos, Ibirarema, Osasco, Ourinhos, Piracicaba, Salto Grande, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Caetano do Sul and São Paulo.

The inspection of the unregulated economic agent took place in the capital, for investigation related to a diesel oil leak that would have occurred during the supply of a generator. However, the team found no irregularities.

Also in the city of São Paulo, a fuel service station was fined and totally banned (six nozzles and four tanks) for: lack of authorization from the ANP; commercialize out-of-specification common C gasoline; not having the equipment for quality testing; not have a measuring ruler, tonnage table, or other metrological equipment for checking fuel stocks; having a thermodensmeter without operating properly in a hydrated ethanol fuel pump; and not correctly informing the type of fuel sold.

In Barretos, where the action was jointly carried out with Procon Municipal, three service stations had finished lubricating oil seized due to lack of registration of the product with the ANP, being 391 liters in one, 20 liters in another and two liters in a third.

In the municipality of Ourinhos, an LPG dealer was fined for lack of security in the facilities.

In Piracicaba, two stations are assessed and banned. One of them, in which the ANP worked in partnership with the Civil Police, operated without authorization from the Agency, in addition to selling off-spec regular C gasoline. In addition to the gas station being completely closed (four nozzles and two tanks), 146 liters of regular C gasoline and 447 liters of hydrated ethanol fuel were seized.

The second station, which was also fined and totally banned (six nozzles and four tanks), also did not have ANP authorization to operate. In addition, the following irregularities were found: selling ordinary C gasoline out of specification; not having the equipment for quality testing (which may be required by the consumer); and do not have a measuring ruler or other metrological equipment for checking fuel stocks.

In the municipality of São Caetano do Sul, a gas station was fined for: breaking previous interdiction seals; having a thermodensimeter (equipment coupled to ethanol pumps to verify quality aspects) without operating properly; not having all equipment for quality testing; not informing the origin of the fuel sold; not submitting the quality analysis records; and do not present the simplified plant of the facilities.

Minas Gerais

In Minas Gerais, ANP agents were present in the municipalities of Betim, Ribeirão das Neves, Sabará, Santa Luzia, Divino das Laranjeiras, Governador Valadares, Itabirinha, Mendes Pimentel, Ubá, Visconde do Rio Branco. In all, 51 inspections were carried out at gas stations, LPG dealerships and fuel distributors.

In Governador Valadares, where the ANP formed a task force with Ipem and the State Treasury Department, three infraction notices were issued for irregularities in the price panel, acquisition of fuel from a different distributor to which the station is linked and absence of instruments mandatory analysis. In the same city, 15 liters of automotive lubricants that were sold without proper registration at the Agency were seized.

In Ubá, the ANP carried out joint actions with the Municipal Procon. Four infraction notices were issued for lack of mandatory analysis instruments (to carry out the fuel quality test, which may be required by the consumer), in addition to an infraction notice for irregularities in the price panel.

In Visconde do Rio Branco, a notice of infraction was issued and a regular C gas nozzle was banned, due to irregular measurement of the volume dispensed.

Rio de Janeiro

The ANP inspected 12 fuel service stations in the capital of Rio de Janeiro and in Campos dos Goytacazes, where there was a joint action with the State Public Ministry. In the city of Rio de Janeiro, a gas station had its common C gas nozzles interdicted as a precaution because it showed signs of the presence of solvent. The fuel was collected for analysis in a laboratory accredited by the Agency.


ANP agents were in Salvador to inspect eight LPG resellers. Three of them were fined for irregularities such as: not having a scale or because the equipment was not in compliance with the legislation; lack of price panel or panel in disagreement with the rules; fail to provide information to the consumer or in disagreement; purchase products from a source other than the displayed trademark; store a transportable container filled with a trademark that is not registered with the Agency; sell LPG with a distinct trademark to which it is linked; and transporting LPG containers without the aid of sidecar and in vehicles without emergency identification.

An LPG dealership was also closed due to lack of security at the facilities.


ANP agents carried out inspections in ten economic agents in Fortaleza, Horizonte and Pacatuba, including a fuel distributor, seven gas stations and two LPG resellers.

In Fortaleza, four gas stations were fined, one of them being interdicted. A service station was fined for not having the instruments used in the analysis of fuel quality (a test that may be required by the consumer). Two gas stations were fined for having facilities and equipment that do not comply with the legislation. Another gas station was fined for supplying CNG above the maximum permitted pressure and for not meeting safety standards in supply.

In Horizonte, a gas station was fined for irregular measurement at the meter pump, and a hydrous ethanol nozzle was banned. The gas station was also fined for having facilities and equipment in violation of the law and for displaying a trademark despite being registered as a white flag. Another gas station was fined for not meeting the safety standards in supply and also for having facilities and equipment that do not comply with the legislation. In a third place, there was a notice for not having the standard measure of 20 liters (equipment used for the volume test, which may be required by the consumer) and for having facilities and equipment in disagreement with the legislation, having an oil nozzle diesel B S10 common banned. An LPG reseller was fined for unavailability of a scale for weighing cylinders or equipment in violation of the legislation, and for transporting LPG containers without the aid of a sidecar.


ANP agents visited four gas stations, seven LPG resellers and three LPG distributors in the cities of Ibirajuba, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Recife, São Caitano and Tamandaré.

In Ibirajuba, a gas station was fined for non-compliance with hydrated fuel ethanol in relation to specific mass and alcohol content, and a filling point and a tank were closed.

In the municipality of Joboatão do Guararapes, a gas station was fined for having facilities and equipment in disagreement with the legislation, and had two supply nozzles interdicted. Another post was fined for displaying irregularities in the price panel.

In the capital, Recife, a gas station was fined and closed (four filling nozzles and one tank) for non-compliance in the commercialization of hydrated ethanol in relation to specific mass and alcohol content.

In São Caitano, a gas station was fined and banned for operating without authorization from the ANP, in addition to presenting non-compliance in the commercialization of hydrated ethanol in relation to specific mass and alcohol content. At the gas station, three regular C gasoline nozzles, one hydrous ethanol nozzle, four common B S10 diesel oil nozzles and three tanks were closed. Also seized were 5,321 liters of common C gasoline, 499 liters of hydrated ethanol and 3,558 liters of common B S10 diesel oil.


Inspection actions were carried out at ten gas stations in the cities of Itabaiana, São Domingos and Tobias Barreto. No irregularities were found.

See the results of ANP actions throughout Brazil

The ANP’s inspection actions are planned based on several intelligence vectors, such as consumer complaints, data from the Agency’s Fuel Quality Monitoring Program (PMQC), information from other bodies and the ANP’s Intelligence area, among others. . In this way, actions are focused on regions and economic agents with signs of irregularities.

To follow all ANP inspection actions, access the Dynamic Panel of Supply Inspection. The database is updated monthly, with a period of two months between the month of inspection and the month of publication, due to compliance with legal requirements and operational aspects.

Establishments fined by the ANP are subject to fines that can range from R$5,000 to R$5 million. Sanctions are only applied after an administrative process, during which the economic agent has the right to ample defense and adversarial proceedings, as defined by law.

Complaints about irregularities in the fuel market can be sent to the ANP through Fale Conosco or by calling 0800 970 0267 (toll free).