Meet the Market International Conference
Meet the Market International Conference – The 12th International Meeting with the Lubricant Market – South America will be held in-person again this year, with the dates of July 6th and 7th already reserved at the Windsor Florida Hotel, in Rio de Janeiro. Several national and international sponsors and speakers have already confirmed their presence, and registration will open in April.
According to the organizers of Editora Onze, producer of Lubes em Foco magazine, the decision to return to the face-to-face event was to meet a demand from the market in general, since the activities of the vast majority of companies are already performing normally and After two years of the pandemic, it is of great importance to review customers again and engage in the networking that is so important in the world of lubricants.
Pedro Nelson Belmiro, technical coordinator of the event, says that the event returns strongly to topics such as the Economic Outlook of Brazil and the world, through an already traditional partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro – FIRJAN; a holistic view of the Brazilian lubricant market; the base oil market situation and impacts on prices and trends, brought to you by our long-time partner, ICIS, and industry experts; high-level information on additive technologies; Sustainability in lubricants, in addition to a roundtable of debates on topics of high interest to market agents.
Gustavo Zamboni, director of Editora Onze, promoter of the 12th International Meeting with the Market – South America, recalls that due to all the critical situation faced by the market in these difficult times, the event’s organization decided not to increase ticket prices for this year. “Although the effects of inflation are very much felt, we decided to maintain the prices charged for the tickets charged at the 9th Meeting of 2019, to make it easier for all participants, and also to be able to schedule in advance to participate in this long-awaited return”, recalled Zamboni .