ANP launches a biannual bulletin with product quality data


Biofuels Bulletin

Biofuels, Lubricants and Product Quality Bulletin

Biofuels Bulletin – On 11/10, the National Petroleum Agency – ANP launched the Biofuels and Product Quality Bulletin, a periodical publication that will address issues related to the quality of fuels, biofuels, lubricants and other products regulated by the Agency, with an emphasis on the Fuel Quality Monitoring Program ( PMQC).

The new publication, published every six months, replaces the monthly PMQC bulletins. These bulletins brought the results of the Program monthly, a function that, since October 2020, has also been fulfilled by the Dynamic Panel of the PMQC. The panel makes this data available in a more transparent and dynamic way than the monthly bulletins, which, for this reason, will be discontinued.

Lubricant quality data also included

Complementing the panel, which is updated in real time according to information entered in the PMQC database, the new Biofuels and Product Quality Bulletin brings critical analysis of the program’s results. In addition, the publication also includes data from the Lubricant Monitoring Program (PML), published resolutions related to fuel quality and matters relating to RenovaBio.​ It also contains highlights from the previous semester and technical articles (in this first edition, on biolubricants).


Created in 1998, the PMQC monitors the general indicators of the quality of fuels sold in Brazil (gasoline C, diesel B and hydrated ethanol), in order to identify the existence of products that do not meet the technical specifications determined by the ANP. Among its main objectives is the identification of non-compliance spots, aiming to guide and improve the performance of the Agency’s supply inspection area.

Each month, samples of the products are collected, which are analyzed in relation to various technical parameters at the Center for Research and Technological Analysis of the ANP (CPT, located in Brasília) and at laboratories accredited by the Agency in various states. Recently, the program underwent a reformulation to further expand its scope, and the New PMQC is in the pilot project phase.

+ Access the Biofuels and Product Quality Bulletin