U.S. Car Parc Getting Older


US automotive fleet
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US automotive fleet

US automotive fleet – The average age of light vehicles in the United States has increased by 9%, from 10.9 years in 2011 to 11.9 years in 2020, and is projected to increase to 12.1 years in 2021, according to data from the last published report. in the 2022 Auto Care Factbook.

The report found that 44% of US passenger cars and light trucks were at least 12 years old in 2020, 15% were 8-11 years old, 22% were 4-7 years old, and 18% were 3 years old or older.

In 2011, 36% were at least 12 years old, 24% were 8-11, 25% were 4-7 and 15% were 3 years or older.

Total distance traveled within the US decreased by 13 percent to 2.8 trillion miles in 2020, according to data compiled by the US Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.

The report noted that during the pandemic, monthly vehicle miles traveled decreased by as much as 48% in April 2020, before gradually returning to relative stability in the second half of last year.

“Driving behavior adapted throughout the pandemic as municipalities and states restricted activities, workers returned to work to varying degrees, and school districts educated students in person, virtually or using a hybrid model, and as individuals gravitated from road travel to air travel during holiday periods,” noted the Auto Care Association in its Factbook.

At the end of 2020, 289.9 million registered motor vehicles. including medium and heavy trucks, were on the roads in the US, a 3.3% increase from 2019. The number is expected to decline slightly to 288.4 million vehicles by the end of 2021.

The total number of light vehicles registered reached 280.9 million last year, an increase of 1% compared to 2019. That number is expected to drop 1% to 279.4 million in 2021.

The three main data sources for the channel forecasting model used in the report are the five-year US Economic Census, Industrial Marketing Research Inc. and IHS Markit Inc., for economic data as well as industry data provided by their group automotive, which includes the former RL Polk.