Gasoline quality: Resolution from ANP that improves quality


gasolina mais barata do Brasil

Portuguese version

Gasoline quality

The ANP board approved a resolution that aims to improve the quality of Brazilian automotive gasoline, benefiting the consumer. The resolution will establish the specifications and obligations regarding quality control to be met by economic agents, replacing ANP Resolution 40, of 2013.

The revision of the specification for automotive gasoline mainly contemplates three points. The first is the establishment of a range of specific mass values ​​for gasoline, which means more energy and less consumption. The second is related to the distillation parameters (specifically about the distillation temperature at the 50% evaporated point, or T50), which affect issues such as engine performance, driveability and engine heating.

The third is the setting of limits for the RON octane rating, already present in the gasoline specifications of other countries. The setting of such a parameter is necessary due to new engine technologies and will result in a gasoline with greater performance for the vehicle. There are two octane parameters – MON and RON. In Brazil, only the MON octane and the octane rating (IAD), which is the average between MON and RON, were specified.

During the transition period provided for in the new resolution, the values ​​of specific mass, destination 50% and RON, as stated in Resolution 40/2013, remain.

The initiative is the result of the ANP carrying out studies and research on quality standards, considering the monitoring of international specifications and harmonizations and debates with agents in the fuel market. Meets current vehicle fuel consumption requirements and progressively more stringent emission levels, considering the future scenario of phases L-7 and L-8 of the Vehicle Emissions Control Program (Proconve – Ibama), and of the Rota 2030 Program – Mobility and Logistics (Federal Government).