Congresso anual da UEIL em Budapeste


This year, UEIL will hold its Annual Congress on 24-26 October in Budapest, Hungary, offering a unique opportunity to players in the European and global lubricants’ industry to meet and network, strengthen their relationships, and learn more about the latest developments from a technological, economic, marketing and regulatory perspective.

The organization of the UEIL 2018 Annual Congress would not be possible without the kind support of our sponsors which we would like to introduce to you.

Our thanks go to Chemlube, Wolf Oil, Fuchs Petrolub, Chevron Base Oils, BRB InternationalArgus MediaDotzEtivoetEurideasHangzhou SungateILMA,IMCDKemat BelgiumMOL-LUBPilot ChemicalSIP,  andZeller+Gmelin for supporting this year’s Congress and enabling what promises to be an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Hungarian capital!

To register to our Congress, visit this website:

We look forward to seeing you there!

The UEIL Secretariat team